Sergey Denisov
Alfred, ensemble, "Solo of Nightmare Scene"
He was born in Ukraine in Krasnoperekopsk.
In 2009 he graduated from the Orel Music College with a degree in Choral Conducting.
In 2004-2006. played the role of Gringoire in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" and Romeo in the musical "Romeo and Juliet" in the city of Orel.
The finalist of the TV project "STS lights superstar-2" in the rock band "Loomy Nareez".
In 2010-2012 - artist of the choir of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy.
From 2011 to 2013 he played the role of Flaunder in the project of the company "Stage Entertainment" - the musical "The Little Mermaid."
From 2011 to 2014 and in 2016 participated in the musical "Dance of the Vampires" (Alfred, the artist of the ensemble).