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Trofimov Alexander

Was born in Leningrad. Educated as a theater and film actor (2004, Baltic Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation) and musical theater artist (2007, Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law, class of Inessa Prosalovskaya).

He took part in master classes by Elena Obraztsova, Gianluca Pasolini, Franco Pagliazzi, Paolo de Napoli, Vladimir Atlantov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Studied with Konstantin Pluzhnikov.

From 2006 to 2011 he was a soloist of the St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theater. Performed the roles of Rossilyon (“The Merry Widow” F. Lehar), Saphir and Viscount Raoul de Gardefeu (“Bluebeard” and "Parisian Life" J. Offenbach), Radjami, Sandor and Cavalier (“Bayder”, “The Duchess from Chicago” and "Mister X" I. Kalman), Duke and Colin (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and "The Secret Garden" S. Banevich), Prince (“The Magic Mirror” Y. Vzorov), Paul ("Viennese Meetings” J. Strauss), Skomorokh (“Levsha” V. Dmitriev), Adam and Stanislav (“The Bird Seller” C. Zeller), Villy Zedlmayer ("Spring Parade" R. Stolz), Benotzo ("Gasparone" K. Millocker), Andrey Tumansky ("The Bondmaid" N. Strelnikov), Heinrich Eisenstein ("The Bat" by I. Strauss), Nikolka ("Babi Revolt" by E. Ptichkin).

Soloist with the Mariinsky Academy of Young Opera Singers since 2011.

In March 2018 he made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia in the opera The Idiot by Weinberg.

He has taken part in touring performances by the Mariinsky Theater troupe in Baden-Baden (Chekalinsky in The Queen of Spades, Ilas in Troyants), Japan and China (Kuragin in War and Peace, Trick in Eugene Onegin, Chekalinsky). Has taken part in festivals in Helsinki, Stockholm (2014) and London (2015, BBC Proms), (2016).

Laureate of the International Competition. Isabella Yurieva (1st prize, 2005)
Laureate of the International Competition. Franz Lehar (Komarno, Slovakia, 2010; II Prize)
Laureate of the International Vocal Competition "Grand Prix of St. Petersburg" (2012; II prize)
Diploma-recipient at the Elena Obraztsova International Chamber Music Competition (2014; special prize "For the best performance of de Falla s romance")
Winner of the Grand Prix at the International Music Festival-Competition. Georg Ots (St. Petersburg, 2015)

Today the artist repertoire includes:

  • Tassilo - "Countess Maritsa" by I. Kalman
  • Rajami - "Bayadera" by I. Kalman
  • Rene - "The Count of Luxembourg" by F. Lehar